SVC-DESIGN Tutorials and Translations
This is a website, were I present my own tutorials,
written in Dutch, from my own imagination.
Any resemblance to other tutorials on the web, is mere coincidence.
You can also find translated tutorials from other writers, who gave me permission.
I translate in Dutch – English – German and Spanish.
DO’s and DON’ts
(Terms of Use)
Nothing of this site may be copied and/or hot linked without my
If you want to use my tutorials in your club, please contact me.
Clubs who work against payment will not be given permission
Sharing by Word documents is of course forbidden
In the download materials, the necessary tubes and materials are included.
These tubes/materials are made by others.
It’s a lot of work to make them, so please respect the rules of the tuber/creator.
Leave watermarks, copyrights and filenames intact.
The ©belongs to the original artists.
You may not put them on a website/blog or elsewhere and claim them as your own.
They cannot be offered for sale.
Do not use them to write your own tutorial, unless you have permission of the tuber/creator.
My own materials, provided with the tut, may not be used otherwise, than to create the tutorial.
If you put your creations on a blog, a website, Facebook, ….
always put a link to the original tutorial (and translation).
You can download my banner here.

Please link to : http://svc-tutorials.be
My special thanks to the tubers/creators of masks and other materials,
for giving me permission to use them in my tutorials.
I do not make any money with my tutorials / translations
but it takes a lot of time to write them, so please respect these rules.
Thank You !
Now, let’s go and have fun